In order to quickly create an Ubuntu server using google cloud compute engine, follow these steps:
- Open google cloud console on
- Sign in using your Google account
- If you don't have a project yet, please create a new project first. For example, I created a new project named Coder Trail Project and then click the create button.

- Open sidebar, select compute engine > VM instances
- Click create button, set up your VM instance
- I use 4 Core vCPU and 4 GB Memory, It can handle 2 jibri instances. You can scale up your specs server depends on how many jibri instances that you need.
- Change the boot disk to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and set the persistent disk size.
- Click the create button, Voila! the ubuntu server has been created.
- The default of External IP is Ephemeral/dynamic. Set it to Static IP instead, click on VM instance name (jibri for this article), click the edit button, find network interfaces, and click the value.
- Change External IP from Ephemeral to Create IP Address. Fill up the name and then click the reserve button.